Faction: Shroomheads
Faction Role:
Foot Soldier
Faction Rank:
9 / Foot Soldier
Chain: ETH
Availability: Sold / Secondary Market

The mystery of the Shroomworld, the peculiar reality of the metaverse, and the torrid streets of the Triangle. The three fronts of the war within NEO-Budapest. Pinkie reigns supreme within the Shroomworld but is recruiting fast for warriors and coders within the metaverse.

Equally, he knows he needs increasing numbers of competent and loyal followers and soldiers that will walk the streets of the Triangle, and deal and supply the Shroom to the masses that are ever demanding more and more. 99 might not understand the full extent to which Pinkie is building within the Shroomworld.

They might not get how reliant they are on the metaverse and the code that shapes it, but what they fully understand are the mean streets. A dreamer, cocksure with a silver tongue and an eye for the ladies, a confidence man of old, but now equipped with the power of the Shroom.

As his skill and knowledge of the Shroom grows, he won’t only masterfully talk poor schleps out of a few credits, but will walk into a room full of people and convince everyone of anything he wants. A perfect combination of old school street gangster, and new world Shroom believer, they are at the beginning of their psychonautic journey, but they are all in on what it might give them, do for them, and how Pinkie is leading the way.



