Perfect Nothing

Faction: The Kings
Faction Role:
Faction Rank:
10 / Foot Soldier
Chain: ETH
Availability: Sold / Secondary Market

Some people are born without fear, some people are born with a few screws loose, or a perennial streak of bad luck, yet some are born with all three. Sweet Nothing is that person.

They embrace the call of the void; they lean into the darkness where others might run; they sprint towards horror, smile in the face of fear.

Recruited after they survived a confrontation with Iron Stag, the brute took one look at Perfect Nothing and saw that darkness in their eyes, saw that fearlessness, the broken brain, the splintered soul that is required to be a member of the Kings. Stag took them in, in at that moment, and began their training in the ways of war and horror.

Young, quick, without fear and at one with the madness of the streets of NEO-Budapest, they will go far in the ranks of the Kings.




Mother Hinde