
Faction: Shroomheads
Faction Role:
Faction Rank:
1 / Leader
Chain: ETH
Sold Out / Secondary Market

Few in the NEO-Budapest Triangle understand the Shroom has always existed. What even fewer realise is even before the Black Lake Incident and the powers that be initiated the Lincoln Contingency, in the world of Old Europa, the Shroom was a tool used for millennia by what have been called all manner of names over history.

Sometimes known as sorcerers, other times known as shamans, witches, healers, priests, these people who have found something deeper in using this medicine than others have. The ones that have leaned in, dug deeper, travelled across the cosmic plane to better understand the world and themselves. Pinkie has been called these things and more over the course of his lifetime. No one knows how old he is, where he came from, where he is going, or what his true intentions are. All that we can truly know about Pinkie is that he is a leader.

Whether that be a cult, a faction, a gang or an entire world, his power is undeniable, and over the course of his mysterious past, he has led and those that have followed have experienced cosmic phenomena beyond their reckoning. Pinkie is the Shroom, and the Shroom is Pinkie.

Where the likes of the Kings and their leader King Conradus want to deal the Shroom and feed it to the population of the Triangle for control and power, Pinkie is here for the minds of the people, and whether he will ultimately free them or control them, we do not yet know. All that we know so far is that his capacity to engage with the powers of the Shroom is unparalleled, his ability to traverse the Shroomworld is utterly unique and his skill to bring people into the fold of his philosophy is unmatched. Shaman, priest, witch, sorcerer, he is these, none of these, and more.

