
Faction: Shroomheads
Faction Role:
Shroom Priest
Faction Rank:
5 / Lieutenant
Chain: ETH
Sold / Secondary Market

The levels of this world continue to grow, sometimes upward, gathering power and resources, with the likes of the Tehran Corporation, the aristocrats of the Family Gilchrist and the corrupt politicians of the Osiris Ministry. Others build down, into the firmament, into Old Europa, gathering armies in the underworld to run the Shroom across the Triangle, to build legions that will follow with the hope of some day rising, like the Lizard Gang.

What sets the Shroomheads apart is that their struggle, their fight, their cause lies in other areas, by other means. The ultimate rise of Pinkie will not be on the war-torn streets of NEO-Budapest. It will not be in the underground catacombs of Old-Europa, but through his ascension within what he has dubbed as the Shroomworld.

Space beyond, a place that exists within the mind, and further. Here, where most Shroom users go to escape the day-to-day horror of NEO-Budapest, is where Pinkie floats and commands. Hymn realised this, a heavy user of the Shroom, a spiritual being that had been engaged in psychonautic activities long before the new world, when NEO-Budapest rose from the ashes of Old Europa, Hymn didn’t go outside to explore, but went within.

As the saying goes, he who looks outside dreams, he who looks within, awakes, and Hymn finally found himself awake when visited by Pinkie, who told him of his plans. Now, the spiritual guide of the Shroomheads, he is by Pinkie’s side in psychonautic warfare, as well as much more, taking to the Shroomworld and crossing over with the metaverse to dive deeper and deeper into the mind of humanity, the core of the soul, on a journey that will be one to help the rise of the Shroomheads to ultimate power within the NEO-Budapest Triangle and beyond.


Texx Cobb

